All Courses, Well-being
Juara Kesehatan Mental (Mental Health Champion)
CourseDaftarkan diri Anda secara GRATIS dan jadilah juara kesehatan mental, pelajari apa itu kesehatan mental, lindungi kesehatan mental Anda, dan dukunglah orang lain untuk memiliki kesehatan mental yang baik.
All Courses, Well-being
Mental Health Champion
CourseEnrol for FREE and become a Mental Health Champion! Learn what mental health is, how to protect and improve your mental wellness and support others too.
All Courses, Work relationship (Employer/ Migrant Domestic Worker)
Employers Guide: set your domestic worker up for success - Hong Kong
CourseThis guide is for employers of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. Managing an employee from a different culture who lives with you under your roof can be challenging. You will get insights to handle this unique work situation.
All Courses, Work relationship (Employer/ Migrant Domestic Worker)
Siapkan dirimu untuk meraih kesuksesan: ciptakan hubungan kerja yang positif (Set yourself up for success: create a positive work relationship)
CourseDalam modul singkat ini, kamu akan belajar bagaimana menciptakan hubungan kerja yang positif dengan atasan, mengetahui dengan jelas tugas-tugasmu, mengatur pekerjaan dengan baik, dan memiliki komunikasi yang baik.
All Courses, Financial Education
Dare to Dream - Bahasa Indonesia
CourseKursus online yang dapat diakses di smartphone, membantu pekerja rumah tangga migran mengelola keuangan mereka dengan baik, meningkatkan kesehatan mental, dan mempersiapkan masa depan. Daftar di Facebook Messenger "Online Courses by Uplifters".
All Courses, Work relationship (Employer/ Migrant Domestic Worker)
Set yourself up for success: create a positive work relationship
CourseIn this short module, you will learn how to create a positive work relationship with your employer, be clear about your duties, organise your work well and have good communication.