All Courses
Dare to Lead
CourseCalling all migrant domestic worker community leaders! Unlock your leadership potential and make change in your community with essential skills in communication, motivation, and teamwork. A 3 week class.
All Courses, Work relationship (Employer/ Migrant Domestic Worker)
Employers Guide: Set your domestic worker up for success - Singapore
CourseThis guide is for employers of migrant domestic workers in Singapore. Managing an employee from a different culture who lives in your home can be challenging. This guide is full of helpful insights into handling this unique work situation.
All Courses
Starting a Small Business
Course‘Start Your Own Small Business’ is an online course designed for migrant domestic workers dreaming of starting their own small business in the Philippines. The course is free for everyone who has already completed Dare to Dream!
All Courses, Skill-based
Caregiving Basics for Migrant Domestic Workers
CourseYour first steps as a Caregiving Superwoman - 2-week class. It's okay if you don't know much about caregiving yet; you will learn a lot when you join your employer. This course is your first step.
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Kasih Ibu Tidak Mengenal Batas (Mothers Love Across Borders)
CourseKursus singkat untuk pekerja rumah tangga migran tentang menjadi seorang ibu dari luar negeri, cara menghadapi rasa sakit dan rasa bersalah karena jauh dari anak-anak, belajar mengomunikasikan permintaan uang dengan tetap menjalin hubungan baik.
All Courses, Well-being
Mothers Love Across Borders
CourseA short course for migrant domestic workers on being a mother from abroad, how to deal with the pain and the guilt of being far away from your children, learn to manage requests for money while still having a good relationship with your children.